HD-Video synchronisiert mit 34 Diapositiven, 8 min, Ton

„In her slide and double video projection Per quanto mi riguarda (with and for a text by Ketty La Rocca) (2012), Eske Schlüters seeks a dialogue with the Italian conceptual artist Ketty La Rocca (1938–1976). On the basis of a text in which La Rocca laments the loss of the image in the sheer quantity of images, Schlüters reflects on the difference between the fetish of the still image and the fleeting quality of moving film images. In a highly assured style, she combines existing film material – including sequences and stills from a documentary on the work of a painting restoration workshop – into a montage responding to La Rocca’s text. At the same time, Schlüters’ installation asserts a fundamental unreliability of the individual image. With close-ups, shifts of context and references to subjective perception, she questions not only La Rocca’s belief in the solitary image, but also Warburg’s notion of the image as a piece of evidence from which the structural similarity of specific cultural forms might be deduced.“ (Britta Peters, Lieber Aby Warburg – Was tun mit Bildern, in: Frieze d/e Ausgabe 9, April / Mai 2013)