HD-Video, 12 min., Ton, 2015

This is a film about the making of a film about a film that was never made.
The film described here, as it is being made, is a true film, which however operates with film illusions to the extent that the film that treats this film is a film that was never made because it would have served to maintain illusions.
This is a fictional documentary or a documenting fiction about a film that was planned and partly realized by the Ufa in the 1940s.
TiTLE (Life goes on) ist für die Ausstellung mit dem Titel „All tomorrow’s Past“ im Kunsthaus Hamburg entwickelt worden.
Vor dem Hintergrund neu auflebender rechter Bewegungen erhält die im Futur II erzählte Entstehungsgeschichte eines von den Nazis geplanten, teils realisierten, aber in Gänze verschollenen Films, einen aktualisierenden Charakter. Die fingierten Dreharbeiten für diesen Film dienten der Tarnung des Filmteams.